Thomas Huy

Voice genre: bass baritone
Institutions: Wuppertaler Bühnen, Theater Solingen, Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Ruhrtriennale
The German bass-baritone Thomas Huy studied at the Cologne University of Music and Dance with Thomas Piffka and acting with Thomas Braus. Already during his student days he was busy in the fields of opera, operetta and concert. He sang at the Wuppertal theaters, in the Solingen Theater, in the Tonhalle Düsseldorf and in the Essen Cathedral. Among others he was Papageno, Colline (La Bohème) and Dr. Blind (Die Fledermaus) to hear. In excerpts he sang Rocco and Don Fernando (Fidelio), Dulcamara (L'elisier d'amore), Baculus (Der Wildschütz), Osmin (The Abduction from the Seraglio), Don Giovanni and Leporello (Don Giovanni), Figaro ( Mozart), Basilio (Il barbiere die Siviglia) and Zsupán (The Gypsy Baron). He works closely with the Düsseldorf Lyric Opera.
Thomas Huy deals intensively with modern forms of music theater. He was seen in several world premieres with the literary opera in Cologne and he appeared at the Ruhrtriennale. He realized interdisciplinary music theater productions and performances with various artists. He develops his own works with the bøhei_kollektiv. For the Beethoven year they played the world premiere of Fideliø.
WDR contribution: '' Fideliø''by the bøhei_kollektiv: Mittag/audio-beethovens-fidelio-in-der-manege-100 .html
WDR contribution: Video production Winterreise in the exhibition `` EXAKTE TRUST BORDERS '' by Thomas Neumann: Mittag/audio-beethovens-fidelio-in -der-manege-100.html
Link to video production:
Video recording of the opera La Bohème `` Vecchia zimarra, senti '':